
Showing posts from 2016

Beer Geed " Plant a tree"

Plant a tree By Abdikarim Garruun  When you plant a tree , you start a life. According to the environmental protection, planting trees is a must if we want to save our planet. Plants give many important things in Somalia, which is semi desert. For the last twenty years, there are limitless and continues cutting trees to make charcoal and then sell back to the domestic people, and mostly exports to overseas. Trees not only remove harmful chemicals from the soil, but also help reduce the greenhouse gases that are causing global warming. This is a simple and important topic, which could make Somali great if the Somali people understand deeply. It's not a difficult job, it is simple,cheap and affordable. All the students in my class sometimes do this in school. This changes the environment to make it beautiful and reduce desertification. Generally, if the we continue this work and every home has a tree planted in front, the droughts will end or will rarely happen in the fut...

Social media and Somali view

Social media and Somali view     By Abdikarin Garrun Social media is web based , and mostly people access social media by their mobiles , computers and tablets . It is a way of creating a platform through which individuals, communities and organizations can share , co-create , discuss, and modify user-generated content or pre-made content posted online . In Somalia , access to social media has broadened over the last 20 years, and at first people used it for their jobs, like telecommunications, networking and so on. In the last 10 years , the Somali people have have begun  using social media daily. Originally, only small telecommunication companies were offering internet service, its price was high and only international agencies, government  and some companies could use it. But over the last 7 years , many companies owned by Somali investors were formed and made a great effort to give fast internet service to their society . S...
Atooraha Bada   “Actor of Ocean" By Abdikarim Garruun Osman "Actor of Somalia" Osman known as "Atooraha bada" was born and raised in Balcad district, middle Shabeele region in 1994. He came from a family whose financial conditions were tight . As a means to support his family’s  income, he took up small jobs in his childhood but never gave up on his education. His mother died when he was young , but his father worked hard to provide for him and other children. When he was still a boy, Osman wanted a garage and to learn how to drive and maintain cars and motors. When he got older, he became a full driver, and a clever mechanic. He came a bus driver when he was 16 years old. He drives buses called Hoomey or Caasi, inside Mogadishu districts. Although  he has the skills to fix vehicles, still works as a driver, to gain his commission. In the meantime, he is having fun and waiting  for his career to develop. Osman has become known as "Atooraha...
Atooraha Soomaaliya   “Actor of Somalia" By Abdikarim Garruun Osman "Actor of Somalia" Osman "Atooraha soomaaliya" was born and raised in Balcad district, middle Shabeele region in 1994. He came from a family whose financial conditions were tight . As a means to support his family’s  income, he took up small jobs in his childhood but never gave up on his education. His mother died when he was young , but his father worked hard to provide for him and other children. When he was still a boy, Osman wanted a garage and to learn how to drive and maintain cars and motors. When he got older, he became a full driver, and a clever mechanic. He came a bus driver when he was 16 years old. He drives buses called Hoomey or Caasi, inside Mogadishu districts. Although  he has the skills to fix vehicles, still works as a driver, to gain his commission. In the meantime, he is having fun and waiting  for his career to develop. Osman has become known as "Ato...
What I want for every child Every one like to rest in a greenish place with a beautiful planted , so the green of this world is children, without them this world will be desert. I want every Child to get  needs the basics of life - like food, warmth, shelter and clothing. But they also need to feel loved and secure. By giving our children all the things they need, we can help them be safe, strong and thrive. I want every child of this world to have the rights of equality, protection, name , nationality, education, nutrition ,housing and medical services. __________________________________________________________________________________________________  By CKgarruun
The peace of Somalia is back By Abdikarim Garruun Liido beach  Peace means freedom from war and violence. Everybody knows that to be without peace is to be without life.The prosperity  and progress of developed countries is founded on the existence of peace. When a nation enjoys conditions of  peace, investment and development steadily improve, but if a nation is in conflict, there is no way for the country to develop. Somalia is a nation that was in conflict for more than 25 years. Today, the efforts of Somali intellectuals, scholars, elders, neighboring countries and the international community have come to fruition and the war between Somali society is finally over. The goverment was reformed to rule the whole country. The national army forces were established and now they control the majority of the country. Many of the Somali diaspora have returned to home  to invest in new businesses or to rebuild their houses destroyed during the war. ...
XASUUSTII MURUGADA ======================================================================== XASUUSTII MURUGADA Markasta oo aan dhadhamiyo wax qaraar , waxaan soo xasuustaa maalin qaraar , wakhti qaraar iyo madal qaraar. Xusuuso waayo hore ayaa igu soo maaxda oo maankeyga u badala madal la isku haysto. Buuq iyo boholyow inta uu igu furmo ayuu madaxu I karaa, ilaa aan kiniini ka liqana kama nasto, kamana seexdo ee sidii wax waalan ayaan walbahaar iyo walwal la darsaa. Markasta oo aan soo xasuusto wixii I soo maray naftayda ayaan ula sheekaystaa sidii qaadi maxkamadeed oo kale. Waxaan kala doodaa cadaalada iyo waxay tarto, cadaalada darada iyo waxay keento , dhibanaha iyo sida loo abaal mariyo, dhib keenaha iyo sida loo ciqaabo, balse waxaan hadalka rogrognaba waxaan isku raacnaa in aanay cadaaladi oolin dunida seddexaad ciideeda "WAA AFRIKEE". Ilmada ka qubatay indhahaygu ileyn waxay qoysay laabtayda, waxay waddo taraaro leh ka jeexatay dhabanada...
LABA DHIMASHO   Sheeko gaaban Imika uun bay dhadhamiyeen nolosha macaankeeda. Jacaylkoodii oo midho dhalay ayay arkayaan, waxay ku naaloonayaan nolosha cusub ee Alle siiyay. Nuuriyo Nasri waa laba jacayl ku mataanoobay oo waayo badan  xanuun iyo xagxagasho badan u soo jibaaxay badwenta nolosha , aakhirkiise ku guulaystay koobkii caashaqana midba midka kale kabadsiiyay. Nuur waa ganacsade hada dhaw furtay tukaan yar oo aan aqalkiisa waxba ka fogeyn. Nasrina waa inan ka dhalatay reer ladan , lakin aan waxba ku tarin oo waxayba u dayriyeen ninkan ay dooratay awgii.  Waxay ka dhalatay reer ladan, aabaheed ayaa ah agaasimaha wasaarad ka mid ah wasaaradaha dalka. Waxkasta oo la sameeyaba waa lakala reebi waayay oo waxay noqdeen labo la isku nacay.  Mar ay Nayroobi iskula baxsadaan , mar Hargeysa lagu sheego iyo mar la yidhaa way isla tahriibeenba , waxay noqdeen laba isla falaagooay. Aakhirkii wax jacaylkoodii jaranjaro walba soo maro, 2014kii bi...