Beer Geed " Plant a tree"

Plant a tree

By Abdikarim Garruun 
When you plant a tree , you start a life. According to the environmental protection, planting trees is a must if we want to save our planet.
Plants give many important things in Somalia, which is semi desert. For the last twenty years, there are limitless and continues cutting trees to make charcoal and then sell back to the domestic people, and mostly exports to overseas. Trees not only remove harmful chemicals from the soil, but also help reduce the greenhouse gases that are causing global warming.
This is a simple and important topic, which could make Somali great if the Somali people understand deeply. It's not a difficult job, it is simple,cheap and affordable. All the students in my class sometimes do this in school.
This changes the environment to make it beautiful and reduce desertification. Generally, if the we continue this work and every home has a tree planted in front, the droughts will end or will rarely happen in the future.
Advantages of planting trees
1. An average size tree creates sufficient oxygen in one year to provide oxygen for a family of four.
2. Planting trees in the right place around buildings and homes can cut air-conditioning costs up to 50 percent.
3. Trees keep in check air and water pollution.
4. Trees are the natural habitat of the animals and birds, as well as many endangered species.
5. Planting trees means more wood and paper products, which can be easily recycled.
6. A newly planted whole forest can change tonnes of atmospheric carbon into wood and other fibrous tissue, thus reducing global warming.
So,young Somalis should start digging immediately, because it is simple and they have all the means to plant a tree. There are still too few of them to fully offset the changes brought about by global warming. Automobile traffic, manufacturing and other human activities are playing havoc with our environment. Reduce global warming simply by planting trees for the environment.

By Abdikarim Garruun


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